A good times Fest

With the support of several good friends, a hippy hillbilly haven was crafted and some massively good vibes were shared. After over 2 years of covid-19 pandemic and 30 years of life, this just had to happen. Wann werden wir uns wieder mal ZERBASTELN? We shall see…




Construction & Logistics

Hannes, Basti, Christoph, Frank, Christian, Hanna, Micha, Freddy

Good Times…

…are thanks to all the beautiful people who had a blast at Zerbasteln 2022.

Concept, Planning & Funding by Umme


Frachter - Aaron (Git & Vox), Dome (Bass), Philipp (Drums & Vox)
Deibel - Arvid (Git & Vox), Max (Drums & Vox)
Le Fré - as himself (DJ)


Lucas, Frank, Basti

Special Thanks to Nivre Studio and Elke