bastivagabond . bastivagabond .


You need a block of wood to shape the instrument body from. You’ll need decks to be able to create this body blank. If you aren’t surrounded by a community of skaters and have not collected a ton of boards beforehand, it may be difficult to acquire them quickly.

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bastivagabond . bastivagabond .


Before you can start working with your skatewood, you need to get rid of all material that seals the wooden surface of each deck. That means getting rid of the griptape, any left over glue, graphics, stickers and coating.

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bastivagabond . bastivagabond .


Trim the treated decks, such that they can be pressed and glued together more easily. Cut all excess wood, which is large enough and left after trimming, into 1.5cm wide slices. Leftover bits and saw dust can be collected for various purposes.

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